Monday, May 18, 2009

Bacterial Vag Treatment

Gardnerella Vaginitis is more normally called bacterial vaginitis or BV. Other infrenquent names this disease may go by are nonspecific vaginitis or Gardnerella-associated vaginitis.

Bacterial vaginosis occurs when the bacteria that normally inhabit the vagina undergo a change.The healthy vagina normally contains a variety of bacteria both good or protective and bad or harmful.

Bacterial Vaginosis has been established to disappear without a remedy but often returnswith more intense symptoms and should be addressed as soon as it is diagnosed even if the complaints are mild. If left unchecked it can potentially cause further problems or you could experience more serious illness and infection.

Since this article cannot deal with all aspects of various bv natural treatment you should explore that link further for our blog specifically related to BV.

Most doctors already check for BV using tests if you are pregnant due to the potential dangers posed to a pregnancy.

Left untreated Bacterial Vaginosis can also lead to complications and inflammation after gynecological operations and procedures such as a Hysterectomy or an abortion. Considerable degradation of protective bacteria will allow harmful infection to traverse to the fallopian tubes causing damage to the vagina and uterus on the way and increasing the risk of ectopic pregnancy or complete infertility.

Natural plain yogurt is a low-cost, nontoxic and effective remedy that is even recognized by the government and can bring back the bacterial balance to normal levels almost overnight. An effective antibiotic that has been traditionally used down through time is garlic cloves.

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It is essential that the treatment you elect to use be continued until well after the symptoms disappear to ensure the infection has been eliminated and your natural bacterial balance is restored. This will ensure you have reinstated your natural probiotic deterrence against viruses and harmful infections and will prevent symptoms reappearing in a few months.